The founding of America was by no means best. However in spite of her imperfections, she was the brightest example of what was appropriate in man. She held the promise of a superior future for, some thing that was but a dream prior to she was founded. Newly arrived immigrants and their descendants had a exceptional chance to advance as people in society by means of the merits of their own function. Where you came from or what your cultural background mattered much less than the individual's tricky function and contribution to society. A person could become some thing here without having permission. Just tough work.
The theory of American freedom rang loud throughout the world for hundreds of years. Freedom produced innovations and economic opportunities inside the U.S., spreading around the global, in contrast to any society in the history of mankind. Lady Liberty's torch was brighter than the sun and could be seen from all corners of the earth. America became the land of opportunity by way of the cloak of freedom.
However, we are dousing her flame of liberty, blindfolding her to the reality of the plight of immigrants and walling her off from those that want her protection the most. America is on its way to isolationism in that if you don't look like an American or act like an American, you need to not be an American. From federally elected officials to nearby politicians, isolationism is taking root by means of a fervent anti-immigration fever that permeates into unjust laws. You would believe that in a time of U.S. and global recession our elected officials would try to promote domestic economic development.
Instead, there is a vicious focus on kicking out immigrants in the name of national security and blaming them for this country's issues. This, whilst neglecting the fact that they helped create this country, when working in the shadows for less than minimum wage for American employers who benefited from their labor even though charging you full cost. The greatest hypocrisy is that when we American's knew they were there - picking our tomatoes, mowing our lawns, cooking our foods - we didn't care as long as we were creating revenue and services had been low-cost. Now the economy turns south, and those same people are screaming for the illegal immigrant to pay the cost.
Anti-Immigration is Anti-US Economy
The U.S. economy is driven by consumption. Immigrants, even if illegal, drive consumption.
Removing even a fraction of the approximately 13 million illegal immigrants would be devastating to local and US economies. Tiny companies would be one of the most effected players in the anti-immigration war. Little corporations are regarded as the engine to the US economy. Less men and women buying their goods or services means decreased revenues. A small business loosing revenues will have to cut expenses and that pretty much always outcomes in having to of lay off employees. If someone is unemployed and unable to secure a new job, they uncover themselves applying for and receiving unemployment. Increased unemployment recipients indicates an increased burden on our governments. This burden will lead to greater taxes to compensate for the demand of unemployment rewards. Growing taxes is a good way to create societal unrest particularly in a time when the US is suffering the worse economic recession given that the Wonderful Depression. Hence, anti-immigration is anti-US economy.
Mixing Racism with National Security
Arizona is a case study in everything that shouldn't be. Mexico is experiencing unparalleled drug and gang violence that could very properly be spilling into the U.S. This in turn is causing fear in Arizona's citizens. I know specifically what that fear feels like - I lived it each and every day when I lived a few years as a teenager in Colombia (1989-1993). Drug related violence kept my family members and the country scared and afraid to even go outside. I am the initially to support elevated security at our borders as it is a matter of national security. Nonetheless, the acts of a few cannot be an excuse for a policy of racism in anti-immigration reform that appears to be spreading throughout the country, case in point Florida via Ken Ambler's HB 1C. For every undocumented migrant that does something wrong, I can cite you 50 who have lived exemplary American lives. You merely can't use stereotypes and cultural backgrounds as your standard for choosing who can stay or leave. This is the U.S., such issues are illegal and unconstitutional. It is the exact opposite of everything we stand for.
Anti-Immigration tarnishes America Abroad
America doesn't need to have any much more reason's to be disliked abroad. Elected officials and other people have to appear beyond the short term and truly fully grasp the impact anti-immigration reform will have on our country. The U.S. is no longer the sole world power. China, India, Brazil and the European Union are examples of countries and partnerships that are rivaling the U.S. Anti-immigration reform is sending the rest of the world mixed signals. On 1 hand we want to improve US trade globally. On the other, we are not afraid to destroy the lives of illegal immigrant families residing in our own country who seek their own economic viability benefiting the US economy. Our foreign trade partners will begin to wonder how they would be treated if we treat those within our borders like this. This is contrary to the belief held around the globe that the US is the land of chance, open to whoever wants to function and be law abiding citizens.
Anti-Immigration is Anti-American
In 2010 the forces of anti-immigration attempt to strip the rather fabric of the U.S. Really frankly, those who are anti-immigration are anti-American, against capitalism and inhumane. These are harsh words, but as an American, born in the hills of West Virginia, and son of immigrants, I am outraged and disappointed by what I see. The appeal of the U.S. in the early days of its foundation was the acceptance of immigrants who built a strong country. Our country became an economic powerhouse via the entrepreneurship and the vision of its people today who were all immigrants.
Immigration is about humanity. Folks have died to come here or died to stay. They risk their lives for just the opportunity. Some have climbed into rafts floating via shark infested waters. Other people leave every little thing behind to cross the border. Most persons do not comprehend the extreme price they pay. It is an extreme danger and humiliation that these folks undergo to live the American dream. On a every day bases immigrants attempting to reach the US are getting shot, raped, robbed and murdered. I thank God every day for becoming an American and having the luxury of chance. I want others to have the very same chance, especially with the extreme risk poised attempting to enter the land of free of charge but so long as they are law abiding citizens.
US Government's double normal
Normally, it is illegal to be unlawfully present inside the U.S. It is illegal for Employers to employ an individual who is undocumented. Nonetheless, whilst the US Government makes it against the law for Employers to hire them, they want illegal immigrants to pay taxes. Undocumented workers can acquire what's known as an Individual Tax Identification Number, an ITIN, with the IRS. The ITIN quantity enables an individual illegal to submit their federal income taxes to the IRS. I agree with this. Even so, the US Government is setting a double common by attempting to deport those who are illegal while at the similar time telling them to pay taxes. So for those who are anti-immigration, make positive you tell the IRS to quit accepting taxes from taxpaying illegal immigrants so anti-immigration is consistent all the way about.
In spite of the illegality of entering into the U.S. with out inspection or those who enable their visas to expire, let's provide a fair and reasonable path to acquiring legal status to reward those who have confirmed excellent conduct, to those who are paying taxes, and to those who are making America greater.
Furthermore, we want to permit undocumented kids the chance to educate themselves. What's so wrong with supplying education? Is it that anti-immigration supporters are afraid to have educated Hispanics given that they are projected to be the largest demographic by roughly 2032? At the rate we are going, I could foresee our elected officials enacting laws such as the 1 in communist China which only permits families to have 1 child in name of population control. If they have additional young children, those young children are considered illegal. At the rate we are going it wouldn't surprise me that persons would really support limiting Hispanics to having only one child and far more than 1 child would be regarded as illegal and deportable.
To my fellow Hispanics, legal or not, I implore you to wake up and see what is happening. The exact same way blacks fought for their rights in the civil rights movement, we should do so now. In my opinion, this problem is not so substantially anti-immigration but at its root racist. Interestingly, there are Hispanic-Americans who believe this has nothing to do with them due to the fact they are here legally. You could not be extra wrong. If you check a box that says Hispanic - THIS IS ABOUT YOU TOO!
Despite the growing quantity of Hispanics in the U.S., Hispanics have not flexed their political muscle. Hispanics typically stand idly behind watching the media and all other voters determine for us. In addition, Hispanics generally can't look beyond whether they are Cuban or Colombian to work together. Our opportunity for alter is now and we have to unite with everybody who is for immigration reform to win this battle against prejudice.
I am disappointed at the lack of political will-energy on behalf of the Obama administration and the Democratic Party, my party. I am shocked at the misplaced anger of the Republicans and anti immigration supporters. They all fail to really know the past, present and future historical importance of supporting immigration. Doing so, is the only way we can respark Lady Liberty's flame, re-ignite the strength of Lasarus' words and return America to her rightful spot as the world's only true super-energy of freedom and justice.
Find the best abogados de inmigracion en Tampa (immigration lawyer) for South American hispanic roots at our website http://www.abogadosinmigracion.org/abogados-de-inmigracion-tampa/
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